‘The Idol’s Jocelyn & Tedros Torture Xander In Episode 4: Recap – Hollywood Life

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Pretty much everyone outside of Tedros’ inner circle is concerned about Jocelyn. Destiny’s done some investigating and finds out that Tedros went to prison for kidnapping his ex, holding her hostage for 3 days, and torturing her. He also has a slew of other issues. She explains all this to Chaime and thinks they should “kill” Tedros.

Mike Dean shows up at Jocelyn’s house to work on some new music with her. Mike sets up a makeshift studio for Jocelyn in her house. The war between Leia and Tedros continues as he deliberately puts her down every chance he gets. Jocelyn admits to Tedros that she likes “not having to make decisions for myself.”
Destiny shows up at Jocelyn’s house and meets Chloe, who ends up performing for her. Destiny gives her some vocal tips during their time together. She asks Chloe how she knows Tedros. “He saved my life,” she says. Destiny urges Chloe to not let “nothing, no one or anything, get in the way of your gift because it is pure and it is beautiful.”
Meanwhile, Dyanne goes to meet with Nikki about her future. Nikki says that the label wants Dyanne’s first single to be “World Class Sinner.” This means taking the song from Jocelyn.

During a recording session, Destiny asks for a minor change to one of Jocelyn’s new songs. Tedros blindfolds Jocelyn and fingers her in front of everyone to get the vocal out of her. Everyone is uncomfortable, to say the least. Destiny tells Chaime all about this “weird and scary s**t.” However, she does recognize that there are other very talented people in Tedros’ following. But what Tedros does to get the material — like the torture — is too much.
Tedros overhears Xander singing in the shower. Xander says that he tore his vocal cords years ago, and that’s why he never had a career of his own. Tedros brings up that Jocelyn’s mom outed Xander when he was 13, and it was devastating for him. “You should really use that gift that God gave you,” Tedros says. Xander thinks Tedros should ask Jocelyn how she feels about that.
Tedros brings all of his followers together and asks Xander to step forward. Jocelyn asks to talk to him. Xander realizes what’s going on so he takes off. Tedros believes Xander has betrayed Jocelyn and wants Jocelyn to acknowledge whether or not Xander is lying.

Xander is forcibly brought back and claims that Jocelyn told him to not tell anyone that her mother abused her. He also says that her mother made him sign a contract that prevented him from pursuing a singing career. Jocelyn denies both of the allegations. Xander snaps at Jocelyn that she’s “more disgusting, f***ed up, and depraved” than her mother. Jocelyn responds that Xander “took everything” from her.
In the midst of this fight, Tedros is repeatedly shocking Xander using a shock collar. Jocelyn tells Tedros to keep shocking Xander. In order to make it stop, Xander screams that he lied about everything. Later, Izaak cleans up Xander after the shock session. Xander is let out of the shock collar, but he’s now a part of the group.
Destiny asks Jocelyn what she really knows about Tedros. Jocelyn is well aware that he went to prison, but Tedros has painted a picture of the situations where he looks like a victim. The girl is delusional.
Tedros advises Jocelyn to go public about her mom’s abuse. Without hesitation, she reveals everything on Instagram Live. Later that night, Jocelyn throws a huge rager. Leia’s trying to make sure Jocelyn’s house isn’t destroyed. Tedros humiliates Leia in front of everyone.
Dyanne makes a surprise appearance at the party. Chloe tells Jocelyn that Tedros told Dyanne to bring her to the club in the first place. Dyanne has had a thing for Tedros, too. Dyanne tells Jocelyn about “World Class Sinner,” and Jocelyn fakes being happy for her.
Jocelyn’s ex, Rob, shows up at the house. Apparently, Jocelyn invited him, likely as revenge for the Dyanne/Tedros situation. Tedros attempts to outdrink Rob, but he just embarrasses himself and quickly becomes homophobic. When Jocelyn sees Rob, she jumps into his arms. Tedros is immediately jealous.

In Jocelyn’s room, Rob asks her why she didn’t tell him about her mom. Jocelyn avoids the conversation. Tedros comes upstairs and finds Jocelyn’s door locked. He bangs on the door, but he’s been cast out.
Rob is confused about what Jocelyn wants from him because she’s the one who said it was “boring to be monogamous.” She wants to take it back, apparently, He brings up her mom again, and Jocelyn stresses she’s in a “really good place.” They have passionate sex in her room as Tedros cries outside on the staircase. The next morning, Rob gets up to leave the house. Xander and Sophie greet him on the way out and asks for a photo. It definitely seems like they’re staging scandalous photos to ruin Rob, but we’ll see if Tedros is actually smart enough to see this through
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